©2018 Anton Blume and Sabrina Dowling Giudici. All Rights Reserved.
Garla: Welcome to Country, 2018, Anton Blume, Sabrina Dowling Giudici with Aboriginal Elders from Yinggarrda, Baiyungu, Malgana, Thalangi, Thudgarri Countries. Carnarvon, Western Australia
- Artists: Anton Blume with Ray Edney (Yinggarrda pole), Jimmy Poland (Malgana pole).
- Designer: Anton Blume
- Art Producer: Sabrina Dowling Giudici
- Yinngarrda: Mr Bobby Dorey, Mrs Esther Edney, Ms Marion Edney Crowe, Mrs Lucy May Starr Bulley, Mrs Merle Dann, Mr Raymond Edney, and Mr Thomas Dodd.
- Baiyungu: Hazel Cooyou Walgar, Paul Baron
- Malgana: Jimmy Poland, Bobby Dorey, Johnny Oxenham, Denis Holt
- Thalangi: Ann Preest, Johnny Dale
- Thudgarri: Charlie Lapthorne and family

The Welcome to Country art piece embodies the spirit of welcome, drawing inspiration from the timeless tradition of gathering around a campfire. Throughout history and up to the present day, the Carnarvon community have cherished the practice of sitting together by the warm glow of a campfire, inviting newcomers to join in.
The artwork features a towering campfire structure composed of five fire sticks, symbolising the five recognised language groups within the Gascoyne region, with Carnarvon as its central hub which stands on Yinggarda country. The campfire concept is inclusive, respectful, and embodies a sense of warmth, friendliness, and enjoyment, making it a fitting representation of the community's welcoming spirit.